Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


22nd September 2020 and a walk via Boxfields and BOX43 through Thorn Wood to BOX47B and The Ley. Thence down Glovers Lane (BOX91) through the Market Place to the Queens and a welcome half. Onwards via Valens Terrace to the By Brook on BOX14 which morphs into BOX2 on the way to Middlehill. From the Drewett's Mill Road, we take BOX11 (part of the Palladian Way) which, near Hill House Farm, returns to the By Brook below the site of the Roman villa. The title picture shows a Virginia creeper on BOX11 adjacent to the Wilderness.

Dry stone wall adjacent to BOX44 twixt Boxfields and Hazelbury on 22nd September 2020.
Ivy on the dry stone wall
Box from right of way BOX43 on 22nd September 2020. This is a late-morning view; in early afternoon, cloud set in and rain came in the evening.
Wyres Lane (BOX55) from the junction of BOX43, BOX51 and Hazelbury Hill. We continued on BOX43 headed for The Ley.
The precipitous descent to BOX47B (where is 47A?) and The Ley, oak at left
Fallen horse chestnut leaves close to the junction of BOX47B and The Ley. The horse chestnut is one of many tree species threatened by disease.
This house, in The Ley, borders a wood, by a stream
Perhaps degrees in the "bleedin' obvious" held by residents here
View across to The Brownings from The Ley (notice the cloud has now set in)
View from the Bates Motel to Kingsmoor. Did any tumbling down the stairs take place here?
The Market Place from Glovers Lane. Stands the clock at 12:25 and is it time for a half?
Feline distancing at The Queens' al fresco bar
The Rec and view to Colerne from The Queens' terrace
Bovine distancing below Hill House Farm - view from Valens Terrace
Alan Titchmarsh would love this natural neatness viewed from right of way BOX14
Seems like I have missed the ostriches v ducks and geese basketball match at Meadowbrook smallholding
And the ostriches at Meadowbrook (Middlehill)
Beech in woodland above Meadowbrook B&B on the Drewett's Mill road
The view to Kingsdown from the Palladian Way at Middlehill
King Kong roaming the hillside above Doctor's Hill , Ashley below
Above the western portal of Middlehill Tunnel; the A4 in the middleground; Kingsdown on the horizon
Above the eastern portal of Middlehill Tunnel, Box beyond and right-of-way BOX43 on the horizon
The upper, eastern reaches of Box with right of way BOX43 running across the horizon above the split field
This horse chestnut by Middlehill Tunnel is in a bad way possibly due to the leaf miner but the 'experts' say that this does not significantly impair trees' health, and they will usually flush normally the following spring
Contorted hawthorn 'roots' by Middlehill Tunnel
Alan Payne's (Box People and Places) 'favourite field' and I have forgotten why. I think it might have something to do with events that took place here in the dim, distant past.
Returning to the metrolopis and the realm of St Thomas a Becket via BOX11. Pendulous sedge borders the byway.
St Thomas a Becket graveyard and adjacent cottages from Church Lane
Hemp agrimony gone to seed in the churchyard
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© Paul Turner