Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


January 2020 and the title photographs show: Rudloe flats overlooking the Green which residents have used for generations and which the GreenSquare organisation would remove (and build upon) in their supposed 'regeneration' plan, the condemned eucalyptus in the garden of the Methuen Arms and a flooded Bathampton water meadow on the 15th following heavy rain

Art Deco sheds and fences at the foot of a South Street garden
Scarlet elf cup in the area of Rudloe Firs woodland which may become a roadway if the planning application for the Hartham mine slope shaft and associated surface works is approved by Wiltshire Council planners
Corsham/Pickwick (at left) and Rudloe (at right) are close to conjunction now contrary to the Wiltshire Core Strategy, Corsham Town Council's Strategic Plan and the Wiltshire Landscape Character Assessment (2004)
Archer Avenue, at left, on the Copenacre development now blocks the northerly views from the older Stone Close development; one of the ubiquitous attenuation (SUDS) ponds lies between
Elements of the dry stone wall which bordered the A4 opposite St Patrick's lie in bags in Stafford's 21.5-acre field in which the Gladman organisation has been trying, since 2013, to secure development (see 'News', 'Pickwick')
A Bladeroom convoy destined for Ark Data in Westwells Road passes the Hare & Hounds on 8th January 2020
Roofs of the 170-home Redcliffe Park Place estate beyond Bradford Road trees and the remaining miscanthus on 10th January 2020
Rudloe Estate Green on 10th January 2020; the Green is threatened by GreenSquare's unnecessary development which they call 'regeneration' but should, more aptly, be called 'degeneration'
The 'affordable' (supposedly) element sits at the western end of Redcliffe's Park Place development closest to the pylons and high-voltage lines
This 15-acre field at the eastern edge of Rudloe Estate was the proposed site of Hanson's slope shaft for the Hartham stone mine but the new mine owner (Johnson) realised that this was a development gold mine
Here is a landscape view of the condemned eucalyptus in the Methuen Arms garden - 14th January 2020
One of these sycamores in the Methuen Arms garden is also destined for the chop - picture from 14th January 2020
Here's a little quiz for the rudloescene reader (yes, you!) - where is this local church? The photo was taken on 14th January 2020.
Here's a little clue regarding the previous picture - this cottage isn't a million miles away
Bathampton meadows are flooded on 15th January 2020; Bathford and Bathford Hill (Farleigh Down) lie beyond
The garden of the Old Mill at Bathampton is flooded - 15th January 2020
The Avon in flood below the toll bridge at Bathampton - 15th January 2020
The flooded Bathampton meadows with the south-eastern reaches of Batheaston beyond - 15th January 2020
The flooded Bathamptom meadows with the Elmhurst Estate area and Bannerdown beyond - 15th January 2020
No beers in the Old Mill garden today - 15th January 2020
The rain continues on 16th January at Grosvenor on the London Road
16th January 2020 in Leafy Lane and the pathway adjacent to the woodland is a dodgy place to walk in wet weather
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© Paul Turner