Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


5th March 2020 and it's still raining. Boots or wellies are certainly required for the footpath across the river at Bathford and also for the meadows which are, in fact, nowhere near as bad as in January when they were impassable - see photos in the January 2020 'Here and there' January 2020. The other title photo could take its caption from Billie Holiday's Strange Fruit - thankfully we no longer have black men swinging from trees but still something disturbing given that sapiens (wise!) is the only surviving species of the genus homo. Given the hundreds of thousands (or perhaps a million) of years of human evolution, how could any member of the species think that this behaviour is 'wise'. This example in the woodland below the railway at the Bathford roundabout.

Continuing the theme of 'wise man' for the moment - here we see that someone has chucked a DVD player in the verge in Tyning Lane at Bathampton not far from the primary school - a great example for the children.
Bathampton meadows on the morning of 5th March 2020 looking south down the Limpley Stoke Valley with Bathford and the escarpment of Farleigh Down at left and the southern reaches of Bathampton Down at right
Still pouring down (take a close look at the 'lake') - here the view swings to the east showing Bathford below Bathford Hill (Farleigh Down)
And now to the west we have Bathampton Down with the new 'Charlcombe' estate in Tyning Lane bringing creeping suburbia to the valley
A closer look at creeping suburbia; the Charlcombe estate lies adjacent to the Wessex Main Line (to/from Southampton) which here also doubles as the Heart of Wessex line (to/from Weymouth)
Zis German-built Liebherr eathmover vill be consigned to ze screpheap ven ve 'Release Britain's Potential' (BJ) following Brexit. Also part of ze plen is ze takeover of British Steel by ze Chinese unt (possibly) asking ze Chinese to build HS2.
Don't you just love to see 'wild' meadows - I wonder how long this one in Tyning Lane will last - Solsbury Hill and Bannerdown lie beyond
Later in the day and Bathford Hill is shrouded in low cloud. It is still pouring down.
Same view of Bathford Hill/Farleigh Down as this morning but now it's much murkier and 'tippling down' (northern expression)
Still clinging to European citizenship in Batheaston
The rain stopped when I reached the bus shelter in Batheaston (aaaaargh) - I had to divest myself of coat and hat as they were soaking.
And here we have the famous Leafy Lane puddle which migrates down Kidston Way during downpours - 5th March 2020
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© Paul Turner