Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


Shadows at Hudswell 'Common' - summer 2001

Views across open country from Park Lane on 9th March 2017. This land will be enveloped by a clone estate of a type which could be found anywhere from Southampton to Sunderland and which will destroy the character and charm of Corsham. Developers' planning and sales literature is full of tripe about creating a 'sense of place' but with all these new 'displacement estates' (housing people displaced through the Government's failed immigration 'policy') throughout the country being the same, the only 'sense of place' is that we are in a 21st-century dystopia. With regard to the first few photographs, the 'News', 'Bradford Road' (although this is Park Lane) section of this website relates that Redcliffe removed the Park Lane trees before consent was given.

And this is the view 'the other way' from the A4 across Hudswell and the Clay Vale to the greensand of Bowden Hill and the chalk of the western escarpmant of the Marlborough Downs at Oliver's Camp. An important view to be ruined by Redcliffe.
And here is that view to Oliver's Camp in April 2018 - ruined by Redcliffe's development. See the text below regarding development between Corsham and Rudloe and the maintenance of important views.

The North Wiltshire Landscape Character Assessment (here: North Wiltshire Landscape Character Assessment part 4.194, Key Views management strategy) states: “The gently sloping topography of this area offers expansive views of both urban areas and the rural landscape. Views from key footpaths could be developed. Views from the A4 are important and clear separation between settlements needs to be maintained eg between Corsham and Rudloe.” Other local plans e.g. Wiltshire Core Strategy and Corsham Town Council Strategic Plan also emphasise the importance of maintaining this separation. So much for local plans!

7th July 2018 sees a fine summer's day at Hudswell 'Common'
13th September 2016 in the maple avenue at Hudswell; a fine morning was followed by a thunderstorm and downpour at midday
Poplars at Hudswell on 2nd November 2016

Click on image to enlarge and view caption

In the 90s, on the hike between Pockeredge Drive and Hudswell, this pile was a constant refuge for wildlife (two of the Sheffield Ground poplars may be seen beyond). This is now Katherine Park.
A wider view of the 90s scrap pile; the (then) western edge of Corsham (Glebe Way etc) lies beyond

Miscanthus burning and cutting


The following photos were taken by the tenant farmer, Tim Barton, of the 20-hectare (48-acre) Hudswell/Rudloe miscanthus field between Park Lane and Bradford Road. The first three, taken in May 2010, show the complete £14,000 crop going up in smoke thanks to a naughty boy (who was eventually apprehended) from Corsham.


The last photo was taken from the cab of the mower cutting the right-of-way path from Hudswell to Rudloe.


This field is now (spring 2014) the subject of a planning proposal for 170 houses from Redcliffe Homes.

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© Paul Turner