Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.
Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.
Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!
Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.
Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/
It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.
Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.
Sometimes it isn't possible to fit photographs and associated text to a particular location so, in November 2019, a new webpage 'Here and there' (and sub-pages) has been added for such wanderings.
24th October 2024 - the chronicle of a perambulation to Bath which went awry. We start in the middle of the walk with the t**t pictured using a leaf blower in Ashley. Near the Northey Arms, I heard what I thought was the lunchtime siren at Portals paper mill at Bathford (this mill sounds the siren at 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock for the lunch break) but I checked the time and twas 1:40. As I wandered along Ashley Road, the noise became louder and then I saw the idiot blowing leaves hither and thither, disturbing the whole neighbourhood (and wildlife) into the bargain. This blowing kit must have cost a small fortune and to achieve what? Come the next breath of air, the leaves will be back where they started. With his ear defenders, he, unlike his neighbours, was spared the racket and also spared my expletives. I could still hear this abomination a quarter-mile further on. When I become national dictator, these bloody machines will be banned and the operators locked up with leaf-blower noise played day and night (or I could easily sanction the apocryphal fate of Edward II).
But actually, the walk started in the early afternoon of 24th October; photos of Leafy Lane follow:
This was supposed to be a lunch stop, roll and coffee. However, of the roughly twenty rolls in the chiller, there wasn't a single egg and cress or cheese roll on offer. And the place was chock-a-block with kids buying goodies on their way home from school. So lunch stop abandoned and being a tad knackered, I decided to take a bus into Bath (plan B). However, there was no bus due for another quarter-hour so walked on to Kellands to catch a homeward bound bus (Plan C - what a lightweight). And, just as I was approaching the bus stop, the X31 went charging past. Plan D was then invoked which was to walk back to Batheaston, partake of some chips at Robbie's Plaice, and wait for a bus at Stambridge. Checked the electronic display at the bus shelter and the 231 was due in 15 minutes, Just time to buy chips and get back. However, at that time of day, chips had to be cooked 'fresh' ... five minutes, then ten minutes went by and the chips still weren't ready. The chips finally appeared after twelve minutes, just (just!) in time to catch the bus.
So Bath (and Mr. B's Book Emporium) will have to wait for another day.
Long Dean - 19th May 2024
This 'wandering', on Saturday 15th May 2021 fits the bill, as suggested above, of no particular location; in fact, it records a journey from Combe Down to Rudloe. You may remember (if you're old enough) the famous film 'London to Brighton in Four Minutes' often shown on TV in the sixties. The film was taken from the cab of an electric train on a journey from London Victoria to Brighton and was speeded up in order to fit the four-minute title requirement. If you let the 88 photos in the gallery below 'run', each will be on-screen for 3 seconds giving a total time to see the whole gallery of 4 minutes 24 seconds. Combe Down to Rudloe in Four Minutes (or so).