Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


During the People's Vote march on 19th October 2019, I encountered some eminent personalities (they didn't recognise me): Steve Jones & Norma Percy; Rick Stein & Sarah Burns and, below, consultant neurologist Dr David Nicholl (to whom Rees-Mogg had to apologise after slandering him).

Whilst waiting for my train at Chippenham, the absurdity of  the Brexiteer's slogan 'We Want Our Country Back' was illustrated. A 'down' goods train behind a class 66 diesel-electric may be seen, below, thundering through the station. Do you see the logo DB below the cab - this train is operated by Deutsche Bahn, the national German railway company. There are numerous articles on rudloescene which further illustrate the absurdity of 'wanting our country back' (see the 16th April 2016 article here: 16th April 2016 article for example) - our own 'sovereign' governments have either sold off our industries, including our utilities and transport companies, or failed to support them with any kind of long-term strategy. Our trains, our buses, our water, our electricity supply and many other vital national industries are in the hands of foreign companies. Can't make a stink over Hong Kong? No, that's because the Chinese are financing our electricity supply. Can't overly protest about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi? No, because the Saudis are supporting our arms industry. It would be unthinkable for most of our European neighbours to sell off their water or electricity to foreigners but our sovereign governments have no qualms about it because it brings profit to themselves and their friends.

The photographs from the march lie further below but, first, a little anecdote regarding my stupidity ... In order to bring a little balance to the subject of Brexit (on rudloescene), I thought (very, very foolishly) that I would solicit the views of one of a small group of Brexiteers who were protesting 'against' the march outside The Lord Moon of the Mall pub in Whitehall (not The Mall). I just asked one of them 'What do you reckon about the march' to which he replied "You f***ing c*** ..." and was, I think not far from nutting me, when a police officer intervened and said (to me) "You can't argue with them" to which I said "I wasn't going to argue with them, I simply wanted their views". So now I have their view, put succintly "We want our f***ing c***ry (note, four asterisks) back". This, it would appear, is what the future holds - our f***ing c***ry in the hands of a vicious, vile, repulsive mob - as well as the demonstraters outside the pub.

Outside 'The Lord Moon of the Mall' pub in Whitehall

And so to the march, from Park Lane to Parliament Square where the great and the good (and yours truly) assembled to hear many notable speakers impart the merits of a People's Vote.

Warwickshire Remainers, in Hyde Park, en route to the start of the march
A close-up of the Warwickshire Remainers
In Hyde Park awaiting the off
And now Devon for a People's Vote crossing Hyde Park
At the Serpentine, awaiting the start of the march
Quite a bit of work in this Lion & Unicorn banner - how on earth did they get it here?
In Park Lane waiting for the off
No caption required
Come by yer - it looks like there's quite a showing from the Principality ...
... and yer's the Bridgend contingent by that most unfortunate memorial in Green Park
... and what did the Romans do?
This drum band, shown here in Piccadilly, was absolutely brilliant
Moving on down Piccadilly
And now in St James's
A couple of characters, sporting 'Bollocks to Brexit' badges, outside 88 St James's Street
The march in Whitehall
A wild band in Whitehall
All my own work guv' - more well-crafted portraits than caricatures
Patrick Stewart, one of the keynote speakers in Parliament Square
With the throng in Parliament Square listening to another keynote speaker
Baby Boris in Parliament Square
Not a keynote speaker in Parliament Square

 And now we have some canine supporters ...

And here's Billy in Piccadilly
And this was why we were here
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© Paul Turner