Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.
Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.
Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!
Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.
Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/
It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.
Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.
The title photograph is one view of a £33 million project to (supposedly) create a new bus interchange, improve connectivity between the railway station and the town centre, level-up the Fleming Way area and the town centre and create cycle lane facilities and improved public open spaces. The project is scheduled for completion in autumn 2024 but just look at it (title photo and photos below - hardly anything seems to have happened). £33 million!!!
Most of the concrete jungle of office buildings between the station and centre are either for sale or to let. What on earth would be the incentive for any company to come here? As the rudloescene reader will know, the Debenhams building is also empty (see picture in the gallery below).
The area around the bus station. Note the bench and filthy roof amongst other things.
The area around the law courts
The northern end of the town centre
5th April 2024 update
Network Rail report of August 2020
One of the most recognisable buildings in Swindon which is right next to the town's station is set to get a new lease of life after Network Rail took back its ownership on 10 August.
Signal Point is steeped in railway history and still bears a huge British Rail logo on the front of the building and now Network Rail has plans to improve its look and present it as an iconic entrance to Swindon.
Network Rail have been trying to regain control of Signal Point for some years and have finally got it back into the railway family.
Mike Gallop, Network Rail's Western route director, said:
“We are excited that we can now start to plan how Signal Point and the land around it can be restored in line with plans that Swindon Borough Council have to regenerate the area.
"We will now work with the council to help develop Swindon station and the town as a whole.”
Councillor Dale Heenan, Swindon Borough Council’s cabinet member for the town centre, said:
“This is fantastic news and I think every resident and business will look forward to seeing this prominent office block back in use.
“I have been pushing hard behind the scenes for some time to get this landmark building sorted, and progress has been confidential so I am delighted Network Rail has finally made it happen.
“Signal Point is often visitors’ first view of Swindon, and this building is part of our jigsaw for the town centre. Piece by piece we are seeing progress.”
Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC MP, Member for South Swindon, added:
“Signal Point occupies an important gateway site in Swindon, and I am very pleased that Network Rail not only have taken back ownership but also have committed to Improving Signal Point and the land around it, which will improve the appearance of this part of our town centre. I look forward to seeing swift progress.”
So where are we now, almost four years later (April 2024)? The building is derelict and boarded up (and what a bloody monstrosity it is anyway).