Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


The two old gits ventured beyond Stokes Croft to Montpelier on 4th April 2017

Understated paint job in York Road (or perhaps Upper Cheltenham Place), Montpelier (one street name is shown on one side of the road and the other name on the other side)
And now an understated shop front in Cheltenham Road
Muriel close to Montpelier station
An old git in his element in a Gloucester Road record shop
A memorial muriel for Dad in Picton Mews
Pity that street scenes (life in general actually) are ruined by motor vehicles and/or bins - St. Andrews Road here
One of the scores, or perhaps hundreds, of local stores in Montpelier and Stokes Croft
This diner and bar in York Street reminded me of Ireland
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© Paul Turner