Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


Sunday, 3rd July 2022 brought reasonable weather for the Rudloe litter-pick after a week or so of damp, cold conditions (mid-summer!). Nine stalwarts (see picture below) ventured forth armed with the usual appurtenances. The title photos show Gordon heading west from the brow of Box Hill and a box from a KFC (KFCrap) 'Box Meal' in the A4 verge above Copenacre.

Gordon, John P, Madeleine, Derrick, Bernard, Lorraine and Rod await the distribution of sacks etc by Dave
Inappropriate time of year, day of week and time of day for a community service crew to be cutting back shrubs at Leafy Lane Playing Fields using electro-mechanical machinery (in Germany, they would be shot (metaphorically))
Gordon by the Gigaclear box at the entrance to Park Avenue
Gordon on t'other side of the A4 at the brow of Box Hill
Meanwhile, Maidments' cows enjoy the mid-morning sunshine at the brow of Box Hill
Still no progress with the Hartham Quarry slope shaft at Rudloe Firs following the extensive (and unfortunate) tree removal
At the entrance to Rudloe Firs: two bags of dog crap, an unopened bottle of Coke, a half-full bottle of Fanta and an empty can (difficult to spot in view of lighting conditions). Why would someone buy a bottle of Coke and not even open it?
Here's that bottle of Coke
Stonecrop (Sedum acre) on the dry stone wall twixt Stafford's field and the A4 at the brow of Box Hill (Corsham side)
View towards Upper Pickwick from the A4; the north-west corner of the Copenacre estate is at right
Mallow, poppy and Kentucky Fried Crap box in the A4 verge
Looks like these tourists (sounded American) 'alighted' at the wrong stop (Pickwick instead of Rudloe)
The flats of Long Close Avenue from the A4 (meadow cranesbill in the verge)
Shifting the view south slightly, the Rudloe comms tower enters the picture as does Calystegia sepium in the verge
And on t'other side of the A4, brambles are in flower; Rudloe Firs beyond
The usual suspects... a McDonald's cup in the A4 verge
Back to the south side with more stonecrop on the dry stone wall and the trees of the northern edge of Rudloe Estate beyond
The same stonecrop and the view to the south-east; a maple dominates with the Rudloe and Park Place estates bwyond
John P and Rod in Leafy Lane
Litter-picking ballet in Leafy Lane; Rod and John cut back the brambles which were intruding onto the footpath at head height
This month's haul awaiting collection by idverde (Wiltshire Council's French contractor)

The 7th August 2022 litter-pick saw a pretty good turnout but yours truly was absent with reasonable cause (in Manchester for the football). Thanks to Derrick for the pictures. The title picture shows some of the mob at the start sorting out equipment.

The 'full' version of the title picture shows Rod, John P, Lorraine, A N Other, Meg, Madeleine, Gordon and Dave. With Derrick taking the picture, that makes nine for the 'pick'.
A pretty good (or bad depending on your viewpoint) haul which will be collected on Monday by the French (idverde company)

The September 2022 litter-pick is with us following a summer that has passed so quickly. The title photos bring to mind Here we go round the Mulberry Bush in Westwells Road and Don't Sit under the Apple Tree in Park Lane.

Lots of absentees today (4th September) - just stalwarts Rod, Derrick, Lorraine, John P and yours truly ventured forth on the monthly litter-pick
John P at Rudloe Fiveways indicating the whereabouts of offending articles
Rod venturing off down the Bradford Road on a route that will take in White Ennox Lane, Beech Road, Box Hill and Leafy Lane
Fallen apples in Park Lane - what a wasted resource
Years after the construction of the steel-clad monstrosities known as Corsham Science Park, not a single unit has been let to any third-party business (as far as I am aware). A fine view ruined to the (supposed) benefit of one individual.
Strange fruit - a pair of underpants found hanging from a hawthorn bush in Skynet Drive
Probably twenty-five quidsworth of the dangerous nitrous oxide (laughing gas) unearthed in the Bradford Road
John P and Lorraine patrolling the Bradford Road
Autumn appears to have come early in the horse chestnut avenue at the brow of Box Hill but much of the early 'fall' may be put down to leaf blight
This month's haul (eight bags plus other odds and ends) will be collected by Wiltshire Council's French contractor in the morning (Monday)
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© Paul Turner