Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


Following a downpour on Saturday which lasted all day, Sunday 3rd October 2021 brought a fine day for the October Rudloe litter-pick. The title photo shows the results of our labours - the bags will be picked up by French contractor (taking back control) idverde tomorrow. Chatting with neighbour Chris on the return leg, we got to discussing the big picture. While our monthly litter-pick is beneficial for the appearance of the surroundings of Rudloe with the added benefits of physical exercise and putting the world to rights, if these bags simply end up in the proverbial 'hole in the ground' then our efforts (big picture-wise) are to no avail. As the collected litter is probably around 80% recyclable (cans, plastic, glass) then I will ask Wiltshire Council whether they currently sort and recycle the contents or if they will do so in the future.

The troops preparing for 'the off': from the left, we have John's tribe, Lorraine, John, Madeleine, John P, Howard, Derrick and Rob. Meg and Rod have already departed down the Bradford Road so with yours truly that makes a dozen.
Madeleine and Derrick setting off down Leafy Lane - note the 60mph, national speed limit sign for the 'single track road' (Boxfields Road)
Rob, having cleared Park Lane (actually it was remarkably clear of litter), sets off up Skynet Drive
Putting the world to rights in Skynet Drive. Picture taken from the Miscanthus field which will shortly become the subject of a greenfield development proposal for approximately 110 homes.
Dickens Gate will soon have a neighbouring development in the Miscanthus field thereby linking Corsham to Rudloe, Westwells and Neston. A state of affairs completely contrary to all (former) local plans.
The enormous Dickens Gate attenuation pond. Interesting that GreenSquare's supposed regeneration plans for Rudloe Estate do not include a sustainable drainage system (SUDS) which Government guidance recommends.
A litter-free (it will be) Bradford Road on this quiet Sunday morning. The nettles here could be used for soup or tea (or wine!) - they are highly nutritious, being full of iron, calcium, magnesium and nitrogen.
Looks like litter from a distance but this is Cyclamen in the Bradford Road verge adjacent to the Pickwick Mine site
Here is the Copenacre attenuation (SUDS) pond at the south-eastern corner of the estate, adjacent to the A4
Approaching Rudloe Firs on the A4, Rob has his skates on, perhaps anxious to get back for a 'cuppa' as we've just been caught in a shower
A baby squirrel has ventured forth from Rudloe Firs onto the A4 footpath
This month's haul which will be collected by Wiltshire Council's French contractor tomorrow (Monday, 4th October)

7th November 2021 - John P, a man on a mission, in Skynet Drive (see title picture)

The troops gather for the November litter pick: Gordon, Rod, John P, Lorraine, Derrick, Madeleine and John H are entranced by the tale of a fish that Dave recently caught. Meanwhile Dave's grandson and hound stand by. Mike has already departed.
Dave and entourage take the high road (formerly with fabulous view) to the rear of Springfield Close
Dave and entourage now join forces with Gordon for the advance to the east
As yet (watch this space) unidentified fungi in the Bradford Road verge
'Wildflower' verge (presumably Bellway is responsible) adjacent to Dickens Gate with attenuation (SUDS) pond beyond
A closer look at the Dickens Gate SUDS which, unlike its equivalents on other estates (Copenacre, Park Place) is well-filled. Maybe its the nature of the ground here but I would have thought that the geology is much the same at all three sites.
Beech woodland and wildflower verge border the Bradford Road with Rudloe Estate beyond and the northern edge of the SUDS pond at right
We must drag this armchair out of the beech woodland and get Wiltshire Council to take it away (on the litter-pick 'to do' list)
Bradford Road woodland from the remaining miscanthus field. Another planning application for around 100 homes is in the offing for this one remaining green field to the south of the Bradford Road.
A south-west view of the SUDS pond with Dickens Gate at left and beech woodland beyond
And yet another view of the pond from Skynet Drive. Interesting that, with around 250 homes on Rudloe Estate and a further 26 to be added if GreenSquare's Rudloe Regeneration plan goes ahead (heaven forbid), no SUDS pond is planned there.
Road surfacing machine parked in Skynet Drive. Zis machine is, of course, German - ven vill we be 'taking back control'?
Field maple from the Park Place side of the Bradford Road verge
The Rudloe Estate beech
This month's haul, eleven bags, will be collected by Wiltshire Council's French contractor, idverde, tomorrow. Taking back control?

The last Rudloe litter-pick of 2021 took place on Sunday, 5th December. The title picture shows Rob and John P talking rubbish (sorry, litter) in the Bradford Road at the eastern end of Rudloe Estate.

This month's litter-pickers are: John's tribe (with two nippers and hound), John P, Madeleine, Lorraine, Rob, Rod and Derrick with Dave dispensing
Rob in the Bradford Road
The winter profiles of maple and ash in Skynet Drive beyond the Dickens Gate attenuation pond
Rob scouring the verge twixt Skynet Drive and the Bradford Road with beech woodland beyond
Rob about to go round the bend both literally and metaphorically (contact author for details)
Rob and John P still talking rubbish (let me clarify ... litter) in the Bradford Road
Happy Christmas! In keeping with the spirit of the age, two cypresses (see photo below) have been felled at the eastern edge of Rudloe Estate.
The two cypresses at the eastern edge of Rudloe Estate on 3rd January 2021. The maple at the location of the parked car was felled and poisoned a year or so ago. The ash in the foreground will probably go next. Less CO2 take-up and further 02 deprivation.
Cyclamen in the Bradford Road verge close to the site of the felled cypresses
Fields to the east of Rudloe Estate owned by Great Tew Estates. Enjoy the view while you can - these will be the subject of the next-but-one planning application for 150+ homes (the next will be across the road in the Miscanthus field).
Empty packets of pain killers are a frequent find. This one in the Bradford Road verge.
A million years of human evolution has come to this - one of three found in the alley twixt the Bradford Road and the A4
But factory farmin' bad, intensive rearin' bad, antibiotic injectin' bad, chicken sufferin' bad and litterin' the environment bad
Beware of slogans
No further comment required
Today's haul - eleven bags, to be collected by French contractor idverde tomorrow (Monday)
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© Paul Turner